
“I need more money”, is a common phrase we tell ourselves and others when we feel like life isn’t providing us everything we think we need. Wishing and complaining doesn’t solve problems or translate our desires into a fountain of prosperity.

What we need is Gratitude.

Gratitude is a transformative habit that allows one to go from a mindset of scarcity, to a mindset of abundance. It’s an acknowledgment of all that we have, so that we aren’t stuck on all that we don’t.

After all, if we never have enough, when would we be happy?

Here’s an example of how to implement gratitude.

Right when you wake up, sit in silence and think about as many things – small and large – that you are truly thankful for. It could be for your family’s safety and security, or for a nice gesture from a colleague. It doesn’t have to be for very long, and some people write them down in the form of a journal.

The key is to develop your mind to value the abundance in your life. Repeated over and over, day after day, it becomes a powerful habit.

For some, it will come quickly. But for others, it may seem forced for a while. Like a strong exercise and diet, repetition is key.

How Does This Help?

Prior to having tried this you may be wondering. “that’s great, but how does this actually help me, other than to make me feel good temporarily?”

The reason is because you can’t be fearful, angry, or discontent, and grateful at the same time.

If you harbor a consistent, negative emotion, it is next to impossible to cultivate satisfaction, much less, be productive in achieving a pursuit.

If more money is the goal, it won’t show up when you are wallowing in a lesser mental state. It shows up after the planting of many of the right kinds of seed…and one of those is gratitude.

A negative mind will never create a positive life.