Money Beyond Borders

Personal finances are changing. The collective livelihood of the general population is changing daily, and in ways we can’t or won’t be able to understand for some time. If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is that we must be lifelong learners. Something I knew to be true in January of 2020, may no longer be true, and reaching a goal today doesn’t guarantee that I’ll reach one tomorrow. To not only survive but to thrive requires continuous improvement. It requires a dedication to the process of learning, trying, and succeeding or failing.

For years, I have recognized that I am proficient at the learning component, and less so with the trying and succeeding/failing part. This is where the importance of strong relationships come in.

It is widely believed that we are much stronger as a unit than we are as individuals. I have reaped the benefits of this axiom for years now, and it is time to leverage one of my most prized relationships in an effort to serve not just as a catalyst for the lives that he and I individually seek to lead, but for the benefit of the community.

This is an open invitation to anyone interested in personal finance, well-being, growth and progress, to tune into our new podcast, Money Beyond Borders.

Nick and I will walk through personal experiences, trending topics, issues impacting personal finance and economics, and much more.

Join us on this journey!